People take it lightly and do driving when they are in a state of a drunkard, and this has become a serious issue related to the problems of roads. Consuming alcohol reduces a person’s physical and mental performance; therefore, it is not safe to drive when you are drinking.
In medical aspects, it has been proven that one drink of alcohol starts affecting many senses of your body, which will imbalance your stability. That is why it is warned not to if you are drunk or you are drinking. You may even have to face legal procedures if caught while driving in a state of drunkenness. When you drink and drive, it does not just endanger you, but others may also get into problems. It is proven in medical research that women can drink 1 drink per day and men are allowed to have 2 drinks per day, though you consume the amount that is recommended for you and still your BAC level (Blood Alcohol Contain) high up more than 0.08% that will not legally be impaired. You will lose tolerance which is not suitable for you especially when you are driving, there is more tendency to meet accidents in such a state.
Related to different rules and regulations on road and transportation, driving a vehicle after consuming alcohol has been considered a serious crime. Under any circumstance it is not allowed to drink and drive, any form of drinking and driving is taken for granted as an illegal act where you must face strict punishments. The following measures depict how Blood alcohol content levels of its driving.
Blood Alcohol Content of 0.15-You will extremely lose balance. Your body parts get out of control, start to vomit. It total disrupts the attention to driving.
Blood Alcohol Content of 0.10-This level reduces your ability in controlling a vehicle due to the lack of body controlling ability and slow reaction times.
Blood Alcohol Content of 0.08-This is the level of BAC that is considered legally impaired. At this level of alcohol content, you lose short-term memory. It reduces your speed, concentration, and ability to process information. You will lose the self-control which causes road accidents.
Blood Alcohol Content of 0.05-This level of alcohol content in the blood reduces your response rate, decreases muscle control, and exaggerates your behaviours. You will lack inhibition, judgement and coordination and alertness over driving.
Blood Alcohol Content of 0.02-This level of alcohol content will increase your relaxation yet it lacks our judgement, decreases our visual functionalities and make us unable to multitask, especially when you are driving.
Most youngsters are involved in road accidents and fatal crashes while dink and driving. Most of the time the fatal crashes are caused by those drivers who are at the BAC level of0.08 or more over that limit.
These are the impacts of drinking and driving
- Imprisonment due to illegal performances
- Suspension of driving license
- Monitored sobriety
- Alcohol abuse evaluation
- Inhibit judgement
- Reduce concentration in driving
- Decreases vision which causes accidents
- Lack of coordination
Those who violate the road rules and regulations by drinking and driving are punished by charging legal charges or may get a license suspension.
You must pay your full attention and focus while driving on the road. You are responsible for the safety of yourself, your loved ones and the people on the roadside. Therefore, you should have proper guidance and better understand the risk factors of consuming alcohol when driving and try to prevent consuming alcohol when going for the betterment of everyone, including yourself as well.
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